
Hola! My name is Erika and I am a Texan, mom, foodie, and digital marketing professional. (I bring home the bacon AND fry it up in a pan.) I am also one of those folks who is always meaning to eat better, drink less, re-start my yoga practice, and really take up meditation… later. Since I am shamelessly motivated by food, I figured learning to barbeque properly (low and slow) might be my type of meditation. I will be posting recipes, tips, what-not-to-do’s, and excellent BBQ meals — so come on back for seconds anytime!


12 thoughts on “About

  1. You are a rock star, my blogging friend!

  2. We will gladly be your test subjects… Luv me some bacon! So far, everything has been outstanding! Keep ’em coming!

  3. Your blog is one of my favourites, and I’ve nominated it for the “One Lovely Blog Award.”

  4. BBQueen, thanks for the follow. Just getting started with the whole blogging thing myself. Your site looks great. What software do you use to edit your posts?

    • Warrior — nothing fancy, just a free template and all of the bells and whistles that WordPress gives you. Good luck with your blogging!

  5. I’ve nominated you for the “7×7 Link Award.” Congratulations!

  6. I’ve nominated your blog for the Inspiring Blog Award! Check out my post (http://cookingwithcorinna.wordpress.com/2012/12/16/inspiring-blog-award/) for details.

  7. Martin Kimeldorf

    This looks interesting. A bit about me and then a question of for you:
    I’m a retired teacher and writer. Going to start a new small edition Meditations On The Q. And as such I was attracted to your bio and humor, recipes I found so far, and story-life.

    I mastered all things digital in the past: desktop pub, photoshop ad nauseum, early web marketing etc…and these days I keep my distance from all social media, except flickr. So I can’t like you Facebook, follow you on twitter etc. But I would like to start following your site and blog here.

    I just couldn’t figure out which dial and knob to turn. Is there a way you can send out emails announcing new posts?

    • Martin — Thanks for the kind words. I have actually stopped updating this blog but have left it up so folks can enjoy the recipes. Feel free to browse around under the categories and good luck with your writing!

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